Natural wood litter
made from conifer from ecologically clean areas of the Leningrad region
conifer aroma
Washed off
in toilet
Economical consumption
We have been extracting wood for filler at our own full-cycle production
in ecologically clean areas of the Leningrad Region since 2013.
The entire production cycle fully meets European standards.

This ensures that the product contains nothing other than the wood itself, which eliminates allergic reactions or chemical aromas during use. Granules perfectly retain unpleasant odors in a natural way and absorb moisture several times their weight. The filler can be simply flushed down the toilet without harming the environment.
Fill the tray in a layer of 2-3 cm, if the tray with mesh – 1cm is enough.
Remove solid excrement with a scoop
Feces contains harmful bacteria
Replace the litter completely in the tray
in case of an unpleasant odor
Used filler can be flushed down the toilet in small portions
We recommend that you completely wash the tray every time you change the litter
How to use
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